I made an incredibly hard choice this past summer. I decided it was time for me to break up with my agency. It wasn’t them; it was me. Well it was them a little bit but for reasons out of their control.

Just like relationships, sometimes our jobs start out with fireworks and excitement, only to fizzle out as time goes on. If your current role no longer brings the same spark it once did, it might be time to consider moving on. That was not the case with my breakup…which made my decision so much harder. I’ll scream it from the rooftops…I LOVED my job, my boss, the people I worked with, and the community I served.
Breaking up with a job isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s exactly what you need to grow and thrive. And that’s why I made the decision to leave…it was time for this girlie to flap her wings and take on new challenges.
So, how do you know when it’s time to let go? Here are five telltale signs that it’s time to break up with your agency:
1. You’re Dreading Monday (And Tuesday… And Wednesday)
If the thought of going to work makes you feel like you’re walking into a never-ending horror movie, it’s a major red flag. A little Monday blues is normal, but if your anxiety kicks in every Sunday night and sticks around all week, it’s time to take notice. Your job should inspire you, challenge you, and bring some sense of fulfillment—not leave you feeling drained before the week even begins.
*Pro tip: Start paying attention to when the dread kicks in. If it’s more often than not, it may be time to swipe left on your current gig.
2. You’ve Hit the Growth Ceiling
You’ve been in the same position for what feels like forever, and your skills aren’t being stretched or challenged. When you’ve mastered your role to the point you could do it with your eyes closed, it’s time to ask yourself, “What’s next?” If your agency doesn’t have the room or desire to help you grow, staying stagnant could hold you back from reaching your full potential.
*Pro tip: Look for opportunities to expand your skill set. If those doors aren’t open, it might be time to start looking for greener pastures.*
3. The Work-Life Balance Is Out of Whack

Remember life outside of work? Yeah, it’s still there, but you might not be. If your job has become an all-consuming energy vampire that leaves you with no time or energy for family, friends, or personal pursuits, it’s time to take a step back. No job should make you feel guilty for enjoying your life outside of the office.
*Pro tip: If you’re staying past your shift or feel pressure to always be available, set boundaries and see how your employer reacts. A healthy balance is non-negotiable!
4. You’re Not Aligned With the Agencies Values
Maybe the agency culture has shifted, or you’ve grown as a person, and the things that once mattered to you have changed. If you no longer believe in what the company stands for—or if their actions no longer align with their words—it’s okay to move on. Working for an agency whose values reflect your own is crucial for long-term happiness.
*Pro tip: Trust your gut. If the company’s direction or leadership doesn’t sit right with you, you deserve to find a workplace that shares your core beliefs.
5. When Employee Retention Benefits are Non-Existent
When your employer says “there is nothing else we can offer you”, that’s a telltale sign it’s time to hit the road, Jack. That statement, more often than not, is not malicious. They know there is nothing they can offer you because it’s usually out of their hands. They don’t want to be the ones holding you back from greatness.
*Pro tip: It’s ok to use your potential job offer as leverage to test the waters with your current agency. This might end up being a growing opportunity for them on how to better retain their current staff.
Final Thoughts: It’s Okay to Move On!
Leaving a job can feel scary, but it’s often the first step toward something better. Just like in a relationship, sometimes you have to let go to grow. If you’ve been feeling any of these signs lately, it might be time to ask yourself: Is it time to break up with my agency? If the answer is yes, don’t worry—something better is out there waiting for you! When it comes time to look for a new gig, my favorite place to explore the job market is The Crime Scene Investigator Network!
As always, you can check out more career tips under the career tab!
Now go ahead and be the boss of your own career! 💪