As a candidate during the interview process, you are subconsciously on high alert for things that may strike you as odd or, on the flip side, feelings of joy. This is what I refer to as the “red flags/green flags” system.
The unit in which I work is about to go through the hiring process which got me thinking about my experiences as a candidate interviewing for various roles as a forensic scientist.
Here are a few red flags/green flags to keep an eye out when interviewing in a forensic science capacity…
“Red flags/green flags” in a forensic job interview:
If the agency says they pride themselves on staying abreast of new techniques and equipment… “progressive” if you will – that’s a good thing! But see if you can see for yourself. What does their lab space look like, ask to hear about their workflows, have they made attempts to become all-digital, are they an accredited laboratory? If you feel that the agency was over-selling themselves, this could be a red flag situation.
Hopefully the agency you are interviewing with gives you a tour of the facility. Here are a few things to keep in mind…is the laboratory spotless and sanitary? If yes, green flag! Is the lab a disorganized mess with things shoved in any open spot? If yes, red flag!
Keeping in line with a lab tour…pay attention to the work environment. Does the staff seem like they get along? Do you hear laughter? Are they open and chatty with you as you introduce yourself? Green flags! Are they zombies just staring into their computers with zero welcoming vibes? Red flags!
One of the things that really made a positive impression on me when I was interviewing for my current position was how chatty the forensic services secretary was with me. She made me feel so comfortable by asking questions about my travel, my family, and what my current job was like. My pre-interview nerves were completely gone….GREEN FLAG!
When you are walking to and from your interview room, to the bathroom, or just on a lab tour, do you overhear any gossip or complaining? This could be a tell tale sign that this agency is a toxic place to work. Possible red flag.
High turnover rate is a big red flag for me! I’m a constant creeper on the open job market because I like to know what’s happening around the country with other agencies. During that search, there are a few agencies out there that I feel are always posting for the same positions over and over every few months. Before your interview, do your homework to find out if this is one of those high turnover agencies.
On the flip side to high turnover rate, always be aware of those agencies I refer to as “the lifers.” These are the agencies or areas of the country that never seem to be hiring! The New England area is one of those areas. You get a forensic job there and you pretty much stay there until you retire. It took me 8 years working elsewhere in the country before I was able to obtain a job there! From my perspective, the employees who work for “the lifer” agencies are happy, well taken care of, the salary is probably decent, and the overall environment is highly desired by other agencies. That’s a green light!
Ask about the agency’s training program! If they say they don’t have one RUN away, do not walk! Having an established training program is so important for both you and the agency. During that time you are learning about the sciences you are practicing, becoming proficient in various skills, passing competency tests, and learning the in’s and out’s of your agency’s SOP’s. If they tell you “we just throw you in there and you’ll learn as you go” that’s not good enough! You will only end up developing bad habits! Red flag!
Final Note…
Here is my last piece of advice to the future forensic candidates out there…do not settle on a job if your spidey senses are tingling. That is usually a sign that something isn’t right with that particular agency. Trust your gut! There will always be a better fitting job out there for you…I promise!
I hope these red flags/green flags serve you well during the hiring process! If you have any other things to be on the lookout for, comment below! For more career tips and tricks, check out my guide to land your dream job!